History & Philosophy

These standards and practices, written in 1939, were intended to advance the art and science of anesthesia and thereby support and enhance patient care. In order to better assist in this worthy endeavor, the Illinois Association of Nurse Anesthetists was formed in 1939. In 2022, the association voted to change the name to the Illinois Association of Nurse Anesthesiology.

The members of this professional association are dedicated to the precept that its members are committed to the advancement of educational standards and practices. These standards and practices shall be to advance the art and science of anesthesia and thereby support and enhance patient care.


  • To organize Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists in the State of Illinois for the purpose of supporting and encouraging them in the art and science of anesthesiology.
  • To facilitate mutual cooperation and understanding between Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, anesthesiologists, and other health care providers, thereby providing a community of interest in nurse anesthesia.
  • To provide IANA members with direction pertaining to governmental policies, legislation, or judicial decisions as they pertain to nurse anesthesia.
  • To encourage the enactment of just laws as they pertain to nurse anesthesia.
  • To cooperate with the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.
  • To issue publications, bulletins and newsletters, thereby informing members of the activities and business of the IANA.

As in every area of life, organizations and members fall short in action, commitment and resolve. In the spirit of our pioneer anesthetists, let us begin anew, working together in this era of never ceasing legislative, reimbursement and work environment uncertainty.

Mabel A. Nichol, CRNA 1939
Jean Roth, CRNA 1939 - 40
Nelle Vincent, CRNA 1940 - 42
Allen Willenborg, CRNA 1942 - 44
Julia T. Baines Mohr, CRNA 1944 - 46
Opal M. Schram, CRNA 1946 - 48
Corrine C. Miller, CRNA 1948 - 49
Pauline E. Henry, CRNA 1949 - 52
Exire O’Day, CRNA 1952 - 54
Catherine Gallagher, CRNA 1954 - 55
Matild A. Welinske, CRNA 1955 - 56
Mary B. Dubusker Schmidt, CRNA 1956 - 58
Lillie M. McCoy, CRNA 1958 - 60
Lenore Foster, CRNA 1960 - 62
John F. Quinn, CRNA 1962 - 64
Joseph A. Hansen, CRNA 1964 - 65
Florence D. Folsom, CRNA Resigned
Margaret T. Tobin, CRNA 1965 - 67
Josphine M. Zadrozny, CRNA 1967 - 68
Walter E. Curry, CRNA 1968 - 69
Palmer J. Carrier, Jr., CRNA 1970 - 71
John J. French, CRNA 1971 - 72
Nancy C. Fevald, CRNA Resigned
Elaine M. Jacobsen, CRNA 1972 - 74
Mary Leonberger, CRNA 1974 - 75
Theresa Crawley, CRNA 1975 - 76
Kenneth A. Ebert, CRNA 1976 - 77
James J. Jaraczewski, CRNA Resigned
Willye Tillman, CRNA 1977 - 79
Ronald Thompson, CRNA 1979 - 80
Ellen Piccony, CRNA 1980 - 81
Dale Steffes, CRNA 1981 - 82
Karen Markland, CRNA 1982 - 83
Mattilou Catchpole, CRNA, PhD 1983 - 84
Patricia Peal, CRNA, BSN 1984 - 85
Theresa Crawley-Bertolo, CRNA, BS 1985 - 86
Janice A. Migon, CRNA 1986 - 87
Betty J. Horton, CRNA, MA 1987 – 88
Margaret Faut, CRNA, DNSc 1988 – 89
Kenneth K. Potts, CRNA, BA 1989 - 90
Gemma Clayton, CRNA 1990 - 91
Dennis F. Johnston, CRNA 1991 - 92
Jane Kamper, CRNA, BS 1992 - 93
Gemma Clayton-Burke, CRNA 1993 - 94
Shelly Richard, CRNA 1994 - 95
Louis A. Pierce, CRNA 1995 - 96
Therese A. Bugaj, CRNA 1996 - 97
Rosann Malefant, CRNA 1997 - 98
Diane Ritter, CRNA 1998 - 99
Michael Kremer, CRNA, PhD 1999 - 00
Steven Yermal, CRNA 2000 - 01
Judy Wiley, CRNA, PhD 2001 - 02
Wayne Ellis, CRNA, PhD 2002 - 03
Peter Pollachek, CRNA 2003 - 04
Paul Darr, CRNA 2004 - 05
Kent Kosmatka, CRNA 2005 - 06
Peter Pollachek, CRNA 2006 - 07
Daniel Borvan, CRNA 2007 - 08
Lori Anderson, CRNA 2008 - 09
Leonard Jenkins, CRNA 2009 - 10
Randall Moore, CRNA 2010 - 11
Phillip Robles, CRNA 2011 – 12
Christine Salvator, CRNA 2012 – 13
Bernadette Roche, CRNA, PhD 2013 – 14
Andrew Griffin, CRNA, PhD 2014 – 15
Kent Fair, CRNA 2015 – 16
Pamela Schwartz, CRNA, DNP 2016 – 17
Rose Slowikowski, CRNA, DNP 2017 – 18
Edward Gradman, CRNA, MSN 2018 – 19
Michael Almeida, CRNA, MSN 2019 – 20
Julia Feczko, CRNA, DNP 2020 – 21
Jennifer Banek, CRNA, MSN 2021 – 22
Joshua Newman, CRNA, MSN 2022-23